Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Presentation Assignment

Question : (1)Identify appropriate information in line with the objectives of the briefing or presentation (2) Prepare a plan for the content of the briefing or presentation Be able to conduct a briefing or presentation (3)Use appropriate presentation techniques and aids to enhance understanding of the topic of briefing or presentation (4)Present information clearly and logically (5)Present information within agreed time limits (6)Respond to questions raised accurately and clearly Be able to evaluate a briefing or presentation (7)Design a simple evaluation form to gather feedback on briefing or presentation (8)Use feedback to identify areas for improvement in presentation skills Answer : Identify appropriate information in line with the objectives of the briefing or presentation In a presentation it must be noted that a certain structure or procedure is essential so as to address the subject in a proper manner. This involves the correct opening of the presentation to firstly get the attention of the people who are to be addressed. There must be a proper welcome process and a firm introduction that states the purpose of the presentation and also how to deal with the questions that would be put forward by the people related to the presentation. The main body of the real presentation entirely depends on the way the introduction is prepared and delivered. It should be well structured, divided up logically with plenty of visuals and graphs that explain the entire presentation. There can be an informative speech that can be used to address the people (D'Arcy, Jan.(1998). The main purpose of an informative speech is to make the audience understand and remember a certain amount of information. It includes two main purpose goals; one is to general purpose and second is a specific purpose. The general purpose is used to inform, give an overall view, to summarize, to give an outline and also to discuss the present situation as to explain how to do something or how to do it. The specific goal is concerned on what the audience has to take away with them after listening to the entire presentation and what they want to do after listening to it and also of what they should remember to take away with them which would make a lasting effect. Prepare a plan for the content of the briefing or presentation Since time is very precious to each individual the decision makers are faced with a number of multiple issues and events that compete for the attention. These issues are faced with more complexes and multi layered in nature that often involve an expanding range of interests. The oral transmission of information, analysis and policy/action recommendations and their rationale through briefings and presentations has never been more important in the operation of government. The effectiveness depends on how well you plan, prepare and deliver your presentation. This effectiveness of any public organization that is responsible for delivering or preparing the briefings or presentations is to meet the needs of the requirements of those public organizations or committees. Thus preparation and planning involves firstly the concept of defining the issues and key messages and then identifying and understanding what exactly the audience need. Then it involves the structuring of the presentation an d focusing on the clarity and the simplicity of the presentation. A good presentation determines the physical set up and also its impact upon the delivery. Therefore a good delivery is concerned with effective voice levels, the speaking style and also the adaption to the audience. The posture and body language also plays a very important role in delivering a good presentation. The use of visual aids can also be considered so that the messages are properly transmitted to the audience. Developing these competencies and associated skills and techniques will enable you to develop and deliver any briefing or presentation with confidence. Be able to conduct a briefing or presentation Use appropriate presentation techniques and aids to enhance understanding of the topic of briefing or presentation They are different techniques involved in delivering a presentation w2hich are the most effective. The first is the use of visual aids instead of words which helps in the chances of increasing the objectives of the presentation. Then it is necessary to keep it short and sweet because too long a presentation could get boring and distract the audiences. A simple technique is that people tend to only remember three things. Work out what the three messages that you want your audience to take away and structure your presentation around them (Robert J. (2004). Use a maximum of three points on a slide. Then practicing is also essential for a good presentation. Many experts say that rehearsal is the biggest single thing that you can do to improve your performance. All the presentations are a type of theatre where anecdotes or telling stories helps to illustrate points. It all helps to make your presentation more effective and memorable. Most people use bullet points as a form of speaker note s. To make your presentation more effective put your speaker notes in your notes and not up on the screen. Present information clearly and logically It is also very important to make a presentation in a clear and simple writing. It focuses on the needs of the reader and also presents the information in a more logical order. This happens by using familiar, simple, everyday words and expressions. This avoids using more of technical language which may intend to mislead the audience at times. So clear language can help the audience understands the presentation more quickly and easily. Hence a presentation does not merely mean standing in front of a crowd with a projector (Tsouras, P. G., ed. (2000). It also could be while you are sitting in an interviewers chair as well. Whenever you are asked to appear in front of one or more people for the purpose of explaining, educating, convincing, or otherwise conveying information to them, you have a presentation. The main purpose of any presentation, written, oral or visual, is communication. To do this effectively, you must state your facts in a simple, concise and interesting manner. Also i t is proven that people learn more readily and retain more information when learning is reinforced by visualization. Therefore simple, clear, concise visual images briskly paced and with attention grabbing graphics will support your spoken words. This leaves your audience with a more positive attitude toward you and your product, service or proposal. The proper use of text images, charts and graphs as well as the correct type of chart or graph to use in various circumstances is also very essential in a presentation. Present information within agreed time limits It is also very important to make a particular time limit for the presentation. It should always be a short and sweet one where the entire message is delivered without setting in boredom in the audience. A good presentation should not exceed more than 15- 20 minutes and the matter should be to the point. It should leave an impact on the audience so that they remember the presentation. Respond to questions raised accurately and clearly The presenter should be also prepared to answer the questions and queries raised by the audiences on the spot regarding the presentation. Hence the presentation should be clearly studied by the person who is presenting it in order to give the answers to the questions raised by the people. Be able to evaluate a briefing or presentation Design a simple evaluation form to gather feedback on briefing or presentation Evaluation form: On a scale of 10 rate the presentation The presentation skills Information provided Statistical data, figures, pictures and visuals. Structure of the presentation Feedback is a good guide on how your work is progressing whether it is written or spoken. It should let you know What you have done well How you can improve or develop the specific assignment How you can achieve successful outcomes over a number of assignments Responding to feedback needs to be timely, but not immediate (Irwin Publishing Inc., Toronto, (1982). Try not to defend your work when the feedback is given. Instead, listen to it and try to build constructively on your assignment, and your skills. The goal is to improve, not debate. Use feedback to identify areas for improvement in presentation skills When your assignment is returned to you with written feedback you must read the feedback carefully try to understand not only the points made, but also the point of view. One must also re-read your assignment to analyze the areas that the feedback covers. Highlight or cross-reference the feedback to your work,or draw attention in the text to corrections and suggestions. They must also pay attention topositiveand negative comments. Think of feedback as you would compliments and suggestions for improvement. References: Bob Best, senior policy research officer Consumer's Association of Canada, Ottawa. Bernice Noblitt, Federated Women's Institutes of Canada, Ottaw. Cecil Bradley, manager of policy research and communications, Ontario Federation of Agriculture, Toronto Don McArthur, Ontario Institute of Agrologists, Guelph D'Arcy, Jan.1998.Technically speaking: a guide for communicatingcomplex informaton. Columbus: Battelle Press, p. 160. Field Manual 5-0, Army Planning and Orders Production. January 2005. Field Manual 6-22, Army Leadership: Competent, Confident, and Agile. 12 October 2006. How Are We Governed in the '80s? Ricker, John, John Saywell, Alan Skeoch. Irwin Publishing Inc., Toronto, 1982. Play From Strength: A Canadian Woman's Guide to Initiating Political Action. Kome, Penny. The Canadian Advisory Council on the Status of Women,1983. Penrose, John M., Raspberry, Robert W., Myers, Robert J. (2004). Business Communication for Managers: An Advanced Approach (5th ed.) South-Western The Structures of Policy-Making in Canada Edited by Doern, Bruce G. and Peter Aucoin. The Macmillan Company of Canada Ltd., Toronto, 1971 Tsouras, P. G., ed. (2000).The Greenhill Book of Military Quotations. Mechanicsburg, PA: Stackpole Books.

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