Thursday, December 12, 2019

Consultant Organisation Named As Kidscan †Myassignmenthelp.Com

Question: Discuss About The Consultant Organisation Named As Kidscan? Answer: Introducation KidsCan is a charitable trust which is was founded in 2005 in Greenhithe, Aukland, New Zealand. Founder of KidsCan Not for profit organisation was Julie Chapman who prefers to help the kids of New Zealand living in poverty ("Meet the board", 2017). People who live life at the 60% or below the median wage in New Zealand are considered to be a people living in below the poverty line. There are varieties of programs which are organized by Julie so as to collect the funding for its charitable trust which helps in fulfilling the basic needs of the children living in the country. The charitable trust of Julie provides food, socks, shoes, and raincoats. The organisation has served approximately 46,000 disadvantaged children of New Zealand and is still helping them to manage their lives and fulfil the basic requirements in a proper way (De Francesco Orsini, 2016). Purpose and Aims The main aim of KidsCan is to deliver a healthy life to the children who are facing issues in managing their day to day life. The organisation works for the purpose of removing poverty by providing an appropriate set of help to the children who are living on the edge of poverty (Bush, 2014). One of the main objectives of KidsCan is to meet the physical and nutritional needs of the kids who are less fortunate than others so that they can focus more on their education and could gain a better chance to manage their future and make it more efficient and brighter. Governance Structure and Organisational Structure According to the governance organisations working in the field of charity or are working for not for profit should consider several sets of principles. It is mandatory that all the not for profit organisations working in New Zealand should follow the basic principles so that the decorum of the market could remain maintained and appropriate set of services could be provided to the people in need (Legett, Pritchett, Elwood Madden, Phillips-Lander Elwood Madden, 2017). Fiduciary Principle: According to the principle it is necessary that the organisations should remain interested in providing series of benefits to the people who are in need. According to the fiduciary principle it is necessary that the organisation should ensure to manage the trust, faith belief, truth, confidence, independence, probity, honesty, diligence, duty of loyalty and duty of care so that appropriate set of help could be provided to the people who do not have effective set of support so as to manage their future and expenses (McGauran Offer, 2015). A Certain set of responsibilities are set by the governance for the boards. It is important that all the boards should play all the roles and responsibilities according to the governance these responsibilities are: It is important that all the organisations should follow the Companies Act 1993 and the associated case law and industry self-regulations. Some of the responsibilities which are required to be followed by all the directors are: It is required that they should act in the good faith (Lohmann, 2007) It is required that the best interest of the companies should be protected It is required that the board should exercise his or her powers for the purpose of resolving the issues of the people in need. It is required to exercise the care, skills and diligence Organisational Structure The organizational structure includes Bill Birnie who is a trustee of the organisation, he is a Chairman and Managing Director of private equity of the firm named as Birnie Capital Limited. Bill manages all the charity related works of KidsCan (Jordan, 2007). Julie Chapman is the CEO and Trustee of the company who is a co founder of KidsCan and has a 10 year of experience in not for profit organisation. Julie Chapman has the aim of providing most effective and relevant set of support to the disadvantaged kids living in New Zealand. Nigel Hampton QC who is a trustee of KidsCan. Nigel is an LL. B graduated from Canterbury University and is being awarded by Gold Medal for the top graduate of the year. All the law related issues and procedures are being handled by Nigel for which he ensures that the regulatory decorum of the organisation could remain maintained (Darroch Adamson, 2016). Glenda Hughes is a trustee who is a National Championship shot put record holder. Glenda was a Commonwealth Games Representative and a holder of four New Zealand power lifting records. Glenda works towards to provide an effective set of support to KidsCan and provide her valuable time in helping the disadvantaged kids (J du Plessis, 2015). John Kensington is the last trustee who is attached with KidsCan charitable trust. John has the audit experience who has handled many of the clients which include banking and finance, television and pharmaceuticals. John ensures to manage all the financial transactions of the organisation and remain indulged in the auditing practices. Service Offerings KidsCan is an organisation which is indulged in the services of providing basic help to the disadvantaged kids. The organisation is working towards to provide basic living facilities to the Kiwi Kids so that they can manage their living and move towards to better and bright future. Competitiveness in the Market KidsCan requires funding so as to deliver appropriate set of services to the kids living in New Zealand (Kitchen, 2011). There is a huge number of not for profit organisations working in the market of New Zealand. These organisations create huge competition for KidsCan as it faces issues in availing appropriate set of funds. Hence, it is required that the organisation should sell some or the other profits so as to avail proper set of funds with the effect of which relevant set of support is being provided by the company to the disadvantaged kids. This was the overview of the company in which almost all set of information was collected. Developing the content related with Kids Can there were a certain set of issues which were evaluated. It is necessary that all the issues should be taken into consideration and a relevant set of the solution should be provided. This will help in providing an effective set of direction to the directors and trustees of KidsCan so that they can continue with providing an appropriate set of services to the kids in need ("Meet the board", 2017). Three Key Areas Of Kidscan KidsCan is a charitable trust which is working towards to provide an appropriate and relevant set of support to the disadvantaged kids living in New Zealand (Boyle, Donald, Dean, Conrad Mutch, 2007). It is necessary that these key areas should be focused upon by the organisations so that it could attain success in providing smooth as well as an effective set of services to the kids living in New Zealand. Hence, the key areas towards which KidsCan is working are: Providing an appropriate set of service and support to the disadvantaged kids living in New Zealand Managing stakeholders relationships so that more people could get attracted towards the trust and provide their support, so that kids can help the children and fulfil its objective (Shams, 2012). Ensuring that the organizational capacity, collaboration and changes could be managed in an appropriate way so that it could provide continuous services to the disadvantaged kids living in New Zealand. These are the three key areas on which KidsCan is working so that it could provide continuous services to the disadvantaged kids of New Zealand. Working towards to manage all the key areas will help KidsCan in managing the things in a better way and will help the same in attaining success in obtaining all the targeted objectives developed by the trustees and director of the organisation (De Francesco Orsini, 2016). Critical Issues Competition among the not for profit organisations is increasing day by day as there are various organisations which are entering and trying to avail funds (Ryan Irvine, 2012). There are many of the organisations which are indulged in the fraudulent activities as they are attracting the funders so as to avail funding to them. These funds are not used in providing support to the people in need rather they use the fund for their own personal usage. This type of fraudulent activity is causing an issue for the organisations like KidsCan as they are not getting the sophisticated amount of the funding with the help of which they can avail proper and appropriate set of support services to the kids. There are a certain set of organisations which are affecting the trust of the entire Not for Profit organisations and are affecting their goodwill in the market (Ramanath, 2014). Hence, this is one of the issues which are being faced by KidsCan which is also hindering in the service delivery of the same. It is being evaluated that the New Zealanders can tend to take a reductionist approach which is affecting the market of KidsCan and is hindering in the service providing process of the company. In this situation, it is becoming hard for KidsCan in spreading the positive approach which is hindering the progress of the organisation in the market. Plan and budget are other issues which are being faced by KidsCan in delivering appropriate set of services to the kids. The organisation does not have an appropriate set of plans and budget with the effect of which the organisation could provide an effective set of services to the disadvantaged kids living in New Zealand (Jegers, 2011). The organisation is facing issues in maintaining stability and creating a culture of efficiency. It is necessary that stability should be brought with the effect of which relevant set of services could be provided by the organisation to the kids living in New Zealand. On the other hand creating a cultural efficiency will help in building trust among the kids living in New Zealand. These are certain set of issues which are faced by KidsCan while working in the market and providing services to the kids living in the country. In this situation, it has become important that the organisation should use appropriate theories to provide a relevant and appropriate set of services to the disadvantaged kids of New Zealand (Bush, 2014). Theories And Models Applicable Theory suggests that the organisations working in the competitive market should have applied leadership approach. It is necessary that the organisation should lead the market rather than follow the people available in the same. It is necessary that authentic leadership should be applied to the market. Authentic leadership is the leadership which includes transparency and transformational approaches. It is necessary that objectives and intentions of the organisation should be developed which are morally good. These types of activities help in influencing the organizational culture and helps in attracting people towards the same (Legett, Pritchett, Elwood Madden, Phillips-Lander Elwood Madden, 2017). There are several sets of relationships which could be characterized which is being followed by the leaders these relationships are: Transparency is one of the aspects which are required to be maintained. It is important that the loyal clients of the organisation should collaborate and the contribution of KidsCan should be shown. This will help the users in developing the understanding of the contribution they are making in the welfare program and will help them in getting motivated towards KidsCan. Guidance towards worthy objectives should be there (Robinson, 2012) It is required that the organisation should keep the emphasis on the follower's development John Kotters 8 Step Process for Leading Change According to John Kotter, there are 8 aspects which are required to be followed by an organisation indulged in the competitive market. These aspects are; Create a sense of urgency Build a Guiding Coalition Form a Strategic Vision and Initiatives Enlist a Volunteer Army Enable action by removing barriers Generate short term wins Sustain Acceleration Institute change These are the 8 aspects which are required to be followed by the organisations so as to manage the change. These key aspects will help in managing the change at every level of the organisation and will provide a relevant set of support in delivering quality services to the target population (Hirsch, 2012). Conclusion Understanding the market in which KidsCan is working and evaluating all the aspects related to the organisation it could be concluded that KidsCan is the organisation which is appreciably doing a great job for the disadvantaged kids (McGauran Offer, 2015). With the help of the report, it could be evaluated that there are various aspects which are required to be focused upon by the organisation as the competition is increasing and the productivity and availability of the funds are getting affected. Hence, there are a various set of aspects which could be recommended to the KidsCan following which will help the organisation in moving on the path of success and sustainability. It could be recommended that the organisation should apply leadership theory at the workplace and should ensure that it could maintain the transparency in the market. Doing so will help KidsCan in building trust among the client available in the market (Levasseur, 2012). It is also recommended that KidsCan should apply John Kotters model as it will help the same in managing the change in an effective way. It is necessary that the change could be managed in an appropriate way so it is required that Kotters 8 step model should be applied in the workplace and future changes could be managed in an appropriate way. It is required that the motivational approach should be applied by the organisation so as to manage the things and motivate the employees working in the workplace. Motivating the employees will help the organisation in attaining sustainability (Lohmann, 2007). It is necessary that proper set of strategies should be developed by the organisation so that assurance could be made that the same will be able to provide smooth and subtle services to the target population and will be able to create a sustainable future for the disadvantaged kids References Boyle, F., Donald, M., Dean, J., Conrad, S., Mutch, A. (2007). 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